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Individual counseling for expats

Therapy is a personal journey with an organic rhythm, where specific methods and the therapist`s presence accompany the explorer - YOU. It’s a constant dance between finding solutions to your day-to-day challenges and doing the deep work with the Self. By finding this fine balance between the two, we can embrace, dissolve, transform or even use the initial problem to our advantage.

As an expat myself, I know how challenging this big change can be. Whether you’ve just decided to move, you’re in the process or you already started your new life, I am here to create the space for you to discover your inner resources to cope during this amazing (yet, terrifying!) time.

What we aim through the sessions

  • Zoom out and better understand the bigger picture of this entire change in your life

  • Bring clarity between “running from” and “going towards” that might accompany this move

  • Identify the beliefs that support your move and the ones that tangle you

  • Gain a fresh perspective on what you are experiencing, that can allow more “movement” in your life.

How the counseling process will go:

1. Online vs. offline

If you choose online sessions, make sure that the space has intimacy and room for movement. If you are in Utrecht and you prefer a face-to-face session, please specify so in the contact form and I will book the therapy space for you.

2. Our first session

Together, we will run an assessment of your current situation and decide the best approach for you (that includes whether I am the best fit for you as a therapist or not).

3. Timeframe

We decide together on a period (max. 3 months) to focus on your questions and the way they impact your daily life. As we go deeper, new subjects might arise and an ongoing process of (self) discovery. We will always go back to the initial symptom and assess if it`s still there.

4. Exploring the question and the question behind the question

We will follow the invisible threads connected to the problem and decide the next steps. We will use embodiment as a means of revealing the current situation, reaching a resolution, and anchoring the new “movement”.

5. We close the setting leaving an open space for the experience to resonate within you.

What you will gain:

  • You will feel more at ease when faced with a challenge

  • You will spot resources (physical, emotional, etc.) to help you cope with stress

  • You will identify those resources faster and better than before

  • Your overall life quality will improve

€100 • 50 min • Online Meeting

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